Sunday, May 9, 2010

Hobbies are like potato chips

What's the best solution to not having enough time to devote to one's current hobbies? Why to get a new one of course!

I am the proud owner of a Schacht Mighty Wolf 8 harness loom!

Here's a photo from the sale listing:

I don't actually have it in my possession yet since there are some logistical issues involved in picking it up (like a 456 mile one-way drive for one thing and dog-sitting arrangements for another) so I'll be driving down to get it in a couple of weeks.

Well, *I* won't actually be driving, Mr. CPA will since it's his truck and I don't like to drive it (big truck + short person = not a good match*). Have I mentioned lately that I have the best husband ever?

*for me, YMMV of course, I realize lots of other short people drive big vehicles with no problems whatsoever. I am just not one of them, unfortunately.


Mary G said...

You know, when I read your blog, it just gives me a tendency to call Charlie by various names in the hallway. The other day, I said 'Hi Garden Guy' and now I fear I will say 'Mr. CPA'....


Secret Q. Llama said...

OOHHHHH! I'm thoroughly jealous! I need a new hobby, dontchaknow...

Spinny Bunt said...

Oh no! Not another weaver! Ack!

MsAmpuTeeHee said...

(cant wait to see whatcha make!! whee!)

June said...

Everyone needs things to occupy the mind in various ways. . . that's my excuse for new hobbies!! For example, you can't knit all the time, gotta rest the hands occasionally! LOL

annmarie said...

lucky, lucky you! :)