You say it's your birthday
It's my birthday too--yeah
They say it's your birthday
We're gonna have a good time
I'm glad it's your birthday
Happy birthday to you.
The Beatles – The White Album
(I love that song! It’s like instant energy and mandatory here at Casa del Chaos whenever there’s a birthday. In fact, I’m listening to it right now…)<
actual age removed for purposes of homeland security> years ago today, on an exceptionally hot Sunday morning in June two-weeks before her due date*, my mother was floating around Lake Tapps on an inner tube when she realized she was in labor. I arrived just a couple of hours later, handily allowing my dad to celebrate Father’s Day that same day (and a whole year early too!).
Me and Mom
I’ve been going through old family photos lately since I’m preparing to scan everything into a digital format (note to self: must remember to get scanner). So I just happen to have some first year photos lying around that I thought I'd share. (ages are approximate since hardly any of the family photos are dated or labeled ::sigh::)
me at around 5-6 months
still around 6 months
(my mother was convinced a fat baby was a happy baby - look how happy I am!)
one year
Mom, Dad and me (
at 6 months)
I think my parents are about 14 here (LOL - just kidding!)
I have to say I'm not quite sure what's up with the curlers. What was my mom thinking? She's at a family holiday party for heaven's sake. If that's not enough of an event to warrant taking the curlers out what is? (note to self: remember to tease mom mercilessly at next phone call).
*and sadly probably the last time I was ever early for anything.